People Need The Lord
“The Timothy II Evangelistic Group”, is dedicated to go to the streets, the prisons, orphanages, schools, villages, etc., to share the Love of God and His Salvation through Jesus Christ. We do these Outreaches and Crusades by working together with Pastors/Priests and going wherever they would have us to go. They too accompany us so that when people do get Saved they are directed to their Churches, so that the people can truly become part of the “Body of Christ”.
2 Tim 4:5
5. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
Mark 16:15
15. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Luke 24:47
47. And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Mark 16:20
20. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.
“People Need the Lord” is the Theme we use for the Timothy II Evangelistic Group. While in the Philippines on a Missionary trip, the Lord directed us to get a theme for the trip. He then told us to use the term “People Need the Lord” as our Theme which when we got to the Philippines was the number one song in their country. Since then “People Need the Lord” has become our Theme throughout the world and wherever we go to do Outreaches and Crusades.
People Need The Lord Crusades
Whether it is Evangelism in the prisons, out in the streets, in schools, or working with churches, the Timothy II Team goes where God leads us. Since 1993 we have been able to co-labor with many wonderful people and Ministries. Our work does not stop when we arrive home though. This is why we have the Mabuhay Connection and Messenger Service. Our desire is to follow-up on the work that has been established and to continue to strengthen the Churches. (Acts 15:36 Acts 15:41)
For More information, Contact: PEOPLE NEED THE LORD DIRECTOR: David Betts