
David Betts

President and Director of Evangelism

As President, David oversees all of our Timothy II Ministries and as an Evangelist, he heads our People Need the Lord Evangelistic Work.



Phil Mahlow

Vice President

Phil encourages those on our Team, as well as our Directors and Leaders in his role as Vice President.  His 30 years of experience are a great asset.



Sandi Mahlow

Secretary & Messenger Service Director

As Director of our Messenger Service, Sandi works with our Timothy II Directors, Pastors, and Leaders.  She also does our newsletter and as Secretary, helps maintain all of our communication.



Joan Betts


Joan handles all of our financial and accounting needs.  With over 20 years on the Timothy II Team, she also does many jobs “behind the scenes”.

Ozzie Cinko

Ministry to the Saints Director / President Bible College

Ozzie is in charge of the Mabuhay Connection.  Ozzie has over 30 years of teaching experience and 20 plus years working with Timothy II.


Toni Cinko

Ministry to the Saints Director

Toni has worked at our warehouse for many years.  As Co-Director of the Ministry to the Saints, she and Ozzie do all of the work, packing and shipping items to those in need.


Steve Dixon

Prayer Director

Steve has been very faithful to write down the many prayer requests that we receive and to send his prayer list out to the Timothy II Team.  He also informs those who attend our Prayer Meeting at the Timothy II Headquarters of the various requests for prayer and is dedicated to pray for the Saints.
